Re: Another question for GOK
Re: Re: Another question for GOK -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
G. ®

11/04/2004, 19:40:42
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I am sorry... English is not my native language... Moreover usually I don't read my posts before sending them.

"She thinks that once you decide to be married with her (s)he wants you to trust her more than anyone else even if she is not divine and as a human being may be wrong sometimes."

"She thinks that it is better to find out (together) what is life death etc. even making mistakes during this procedure and that it is not such a good idea to have a person (i.e. M.) outside of your relationship to teach you about this even if he (i.e. M.) is right about anything."

I think that now you should understand what I mean.

What I imply here is that love is a practice of self-transcendence (I am not sure if this is the right word to use, I mean self-sacrifice). It is not JUST another human feeling. How can you become realised if not by creating a relationship (or more) that tends to be unselfish (i.e. to try to feel the needs of the other)? The question here is: are you ready to give up all the positive thinking and peace for the other, for love?
Perhaps I am not ready too to do so, but I know that this is A WEAKNESS of mine, on the contrary you think it is STRENGTH (like giving up a relationship for... music! or for a nice meal!).

So, you are not ready to sacrifice a good meal or music for another person.

What comes next is: what are you ready to sacrifice for Maharaji? Moreover, what WOULD YOU LIKE to be able to sacrifice for Maharaji?

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