Re: married to a practicing Catholic
Re: Re: Another question for GOK -- toby Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

11/04/2004, 18:41:49
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That would be no problem at all, as long as I was allowed to practice Knowledge.

I mentioned on this board before, that when I got Knowledge, I had to travel to Dublin for, first of all, Knowledge selection, and then I had to stay there a couple of days until the Knowledge session. Two middle-aged premies gave me accommodation in their home, and they were both practicing Catholics. They went to Mass every Sunday, and in fact went to Mass on at least one of the mornings (I remember) when I was there. They remained practicing Catholics and practicing premies - one of them until she died several years later (and the other one was also still a practicing Catholic and premie then, and I think he has since died also).

I don't think I could get married to anyone who would be so narrow-minded as to object to me doing something like that, something which fulfills me. It's not a question of religion. I know many practicing Catholics who are not at all narrow-minded, and I know some Catholics who are very narrow-minded. I'd rather be married to a liberal-minded Catholic than to anyone who was so narrow-minded as you suggest.

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