Re: Re: you are not ready to sacrifice a good meal or music for another person. -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
G. ®

11/04/2004, 20:34:23
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So what your meant is that:
If someone asks you to quit M. and K. it is as if he asks you to "eat junk food ALL THE TIME" (i.e. apart from K. and M. everything else in this life is "junk food"). GOK I AM NOT PLAYING WITH THE WORDS AND THAT'S NOT A JOKE! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT MAYA MEANS!!!

About "what are you ready to sacrifice for M.":
Please respect the other in this forum who have sacrificed a little more than "just an hour of my time (... and) my negativity). I asked what WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE ABLE TO SACRIFICE! Just what he asks from you now?! NOTHING MORE IF HE ASKS FOR IT??? THAT'S NOT A JOKE TOO!!! REMEMBER WHAT AGYA MEANS???

And about negativity... I think that what I represent for you right now is nothing better than negativity (in its purest form). Am I wrong? If not what possitive you find in my words? If yes why don't you sacrifice our discussion as M. asks from you to do?


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