Another question for GOK
Posted by:
G. ®

11/04/2004, 09:34:34
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here is another question for you:

Lets suppose you find the girl you dreamt of, you had a relationship with her as you would like it to be with no problems etc. and planning to be married make children etc. etc..
Suddendly she learns about K. and M. and for some reason she thinks it is a very bad thing for your relationships and asks you to quit it for her. She thinks that once you decide to be married with her he wants you to trust her more than anyone else even if she is not divine and as a human being may be wrong sometimes. She thinks that it is better to find out what is life death etc. even making mistakes during this procedure and that it is not such a good idea to have a person outside of your relationship to teach you about this even if he is right about anything.
What would you do in such a case? Would you leave her for M. and K.?

If you think it is a very personal question don't answer, but I am curious very curious about it for my reasons...

Best regards,

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