Re: GOK - Asked you a question below
Re: Re: GOK - Asked you a question below -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Thorin ®

11/05/2004, 10:06:30
Author Profile

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Bunny's post is HERE

However as you are keen for people to cut'n'paste here is a copy of what Bunny posted.


You were around in the seventies so I cannot imagine that you are not familiar with the concept - very popular at the time - of realising knowledge. Just in case you are serious and missed several episodes, it meant that you had become enlightened.

GOK - many posters have taken great trouble to respond to your posts and for the most part you have treated people with courteousy and respect. I certainly considered you to be honest and sincere. However, sometimes recently you have appeared to be both slippery and pedantic. For example, why are you quoting the bible here?

I know that the vast majority of the exes that post here are both sincere and do so to give support to premies still locked into a disfunctional belief system and cult. If you are convinced we are wrong - please don't play games - go and meditate or listen to a video or something. We have wasted enough years on this charade thanks.

BTW, why are you posting here? How would you describe your key motives?


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