It's a "plan for a lifetime." Wooooo.
Re: keysday is coming! -- quirky Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

02/28/2005, 12:09:48
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You know, you have to wonder if Rawat is just now coming out with the BIG keys program that is a "plan for a lifetime," and will enable you to "enjoy every day of the rest of your life," what the hell has he been doing for the past 35 years?  Getting ready for this?

It amazes me that premies can be so programmed into the Rawat cult and never doubting either the veracity or the motiviation of anything Rawat does, that they can't even see past Rawat's meaningless platitudes and notice the obvious contradictions.

See, Rawat has been blabbing on for years that "knowledge" is supposed to be nothing other than an "experience" of peace that is as natural as breathing, that requires no rules, or religion, or ideology. 

Cept, actually, um, it needs a "plan" and and "keys" and even people who have "knowledge" and have been supposedly practicing it for 35 years, now need the "keys" (which isn't just for aspirants, well, because, there is money to be made, obviously), in order for this "knowledge" to really happen.

And then, see, it's going to enable you to enjoy every day of the rest of your life, as if that isn't possible without it, and I guess, for example, you are even going to "enjoy" the day your Mother dies.  Every day, see.  Of course, Rawat also says, and part of the excuse of why people are still miserable ("mind" is the other one), that "knowledge" doesn't solve your problems.  Hmmm.    Let's see here:  if "problems" make you unable to enjoy your life, how do "the keys" solve that for you, so you can "enjoy" EVERY DAY?  Typical Rawat doubletalk.

Let's face it.  This is about making money.  Rawat claims that "knowledge is free" but then there are all the things that aren't "free."  What this "day" will cost, what the "keys" will cost, what an "aspirant" or a premie has to pay to get them, which you will need to do, right?, isn't disclosed  I mean, Rawat is now saying you need it to have a "plan for the rest of your life."

Listen premies, and "people."  This "plan" is likely to be like the "plan for world peace" that Rawat claimed he would give at Millennium but never materialized.  It's just rehashed bullshit with the requisite background "music" and lots of pauses, for the purpose of making money, and being a project as an excuse to raise more money so that it appears that Rawat is actually doing something with respect ot his stated "mission."  Of course, the fact that the Rawat cult is legally a church, means where that money actually goes will never be disclosed and legally won't have to be.

This is the 500th rendition of the "this if finally gonna do it" gimmick of the Rawat cult, that the premies, or at least some of them, keep falling for.  They so much do not want to admit they have been bamboozled into a cult that they hold on to the faint hope that it's finally gonna happen, that Rawat really does have a "plan," and that probably next year more than 200 people will receive knowledge and it's all gonna grow, and Rawat will be recognized as the Messiah. 


But look, most of the premies don't even believe that.  They would be fools if they did.  They know it ain't gonna happen, just as it hasn't happened in the past 35 years, and they just keep their mouths shut about the obvious.  That they don't burst out laughing when something like this gets presented, instead of saying how "beautiful" it is, is just amazing.

Oh, yeah, and Man, Rawat really does look like his entire face has sagged causing his neck to do a disappearing act.  Years of alcohol abuse is the only reasonable explanation for bags above and below his eyes like that on somebody who isn't even 50 yet.  But hey, Man, he's got a "plan for the rest of your life."  Pay your dough and find out all about it at one of these "events" where you will get to see KEY NUMBER ONE.  You will likely be underwhelmed.


Modified by Joe at Mon, Feb 28, 2005, 12:46:11

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