Quiz to all participants -- did you believe Bohle Ji was Divine?
Posted by:
Joe ®

02/08/2005, 20:32:57
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I believe he was the divine incarnation of music.  (Guffaw)

Did you believe that?  I think even I couldn't believe THAT.  I think I have already told the "extremely gross nose-picking-Bohle Ji" story, so I will not repeat it, but it was mucho impressive for me and fodder for many darshan nightmares,  and I made the decision at that point that Bohle Ji couldn't possibly be divine, because no divine being could ever pick their nose in public like that.

I think Bal Bahgwan Ji , who is, besides Prem Rawat the OTHER only Living Perfect Master of Our time, was "the incarnation of divine intelligence." (DOUBLE guffaw)  Of course, at the time, I think he had actually finished High School, which was something that made him really different from Bohle Ji and Prem.  Also, he wasn't the PERFECT MASTER then, he was just Bal Bahgwan Ji, who was part of the Holy Family.  He didn't become THE LIVING PERFECT MASTER OF OUR TIME until, like 1974, I think.

What was Raja Ji anyway?  Was he the divine incarnation of something?

And didn't Prem make Marolyn a God or something, Durga Ji?  Remember we used to say "Durga Mata KI JAI!"  What does "Durga Mata" mean?  Divine Mother?  I forget.

And didn't Prem make Claudia a God, too the "Divine Supermodel?"

Modified by Joe at Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 20:42:30

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