Yeah, he was the hardest one to get to grips with, but we didn't see him too much on this side of the pond for whatever impenetrable divine reason.You mustn't leave out Mata Ji, the original Divine Mother, personification of the Universal Femine principle,& peculiarly toadlike to even the initiated eye.
A couple of weeks after getting K in March '72, I went out in a rowing boat on the Serpentine, a lake in Hyde Park London, instead of going to Heathrow to greet Mata Ki Jai with everyone else. I fell in; what a lila/lesson,& had to travel back to wherever I was crashing at the time soaking wet.
My recollection of myself back then is that I was convinced by the fakir trick that 'the light' was indeed the Light of God, & that no matter how much I was revolted by those bastards, I just had to grin & bear it.
Ours not to wonder why etc.