DId you hear about the Black Rose presented to Satpal?
Re: Quiz to all participants -- did you believe Bohle Ji was Divine? -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jethro ®

02/09/2005, 02:20:41
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When I was a newbie premie, Ron Aka Geaves told me that BholeJi was Shiva and also the 4 brothers are reincarnations of Lord Rama and his 3 bros!!!!

Ron also told me how when the holey family split was happening, members of the WPC decided they didn't want BalBagwan to be in the UK, so when he arrived they met him and presented him with a black rose, drugged him, and put him on a plane back to India.

Anyway , I am sure Ron, in his intellectual honesty and desire for truth included this information in his academic paper(s) on Maharaji/EV etc.

Modified by Jethro at Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 02:22:15

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