I think I ranked Mike Finch higher than Bhol : )
Re: To be brutally honest....no!! -- Dermot M Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Dermot M ®

02/08/2005, 21:05:12
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I used to sit through hours of aspirant satsang ....Finchy, Yoganand, Gitanand, Ashoke.... the whole lot of 'em. I vividly remember ,after a particularly long afternoon session, thinking ...." ahhh, it's all inside me...I must get this K  now!!!". That was a big turning point. As I say, though, then you had to fit in all the " family", and what not, into the whole trip.

Ahhhhh, and what a trip !

Modified by Dermot M at Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 21:07:12

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