OK, So Where Did She Go?
Re: Re: A Repost from Below: Premies, Read This! -- Elisa Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonathan ®

02/08/2005, 19:28:36
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"Goons" was not a good word choice, and it has been changed. But, my recollection is quite different from yours. I felt sorry for her. I'm willing to admit that I might not have understood everything surrounding the dancing woman's particular situation. But still, it was strange how the security guards responded to her, considering a year earlier, in the same auditorium, people were dancing in aisles during Daya's songs.

Joe wrote an excellent account below about security at events.  The meaninglessness of it all still seems quite apparent.

One more thing, Elisa: why didn't that woman return to her seat over the weekend's remaining presentations? Where did she go?

Modified by Jonathan at Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 19:50:33

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