Re: Are you saying
Re: Are you saying -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonathan ®

02/08/2005, 20:34:39
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A few seconds after the lights dimmed, a Leni Riefenstahl style video presentation began on Rawat's recent tour to India. I think she bolted from her seat soon after the video began. 

Miami's 2003 event was as tame as a whipped dog, compared to the event the year prior. I think the shameless commercialism in 2003 subdued the mood.

In 2002, people were shaking booty. And come to think about it, in 2002, people were doing that hand extension thing, but absolutely nobody that I could see was standing on their chair.

From my perspective, people seem to want to blend in. Sure, there was the occasional "rock-star" outfit, but, to me, what appeared most unusual was the way in which people stayed to themselves. Many people remained in their chairs after each program, like they were tearfully watching the credits of a really absorbing movie, except the stage was empty.

Not a good place to make new friends, imho.

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