I intuitively feel that the dancing premie lady was moved for image, not for fire regulations or keeping the aisle clear or what she had under her seat. I intuitively feel that she was moved so that others (especially newcomers) would not be put off or scared off by a 'hippie' or 'bongo'.
Between 1977 and the early 1990's, every program I ever went to where Prem was present, there was widespread dancing in the aisles or at least standing and swaying to the music and his physical gestures, ranging from his 'dance' to his 'double-barreled two-handed blessing' he would push out to the audience as he would make a hasty retreat to his personal digs for a drink and a smoke and who knows what else that he told us not to do.
Society at large has gone from being 'synapses wide open' in the 60's-70's to 'major shut down' 80's-present (and getting worse) due to sensory overload and cognitive dissonance due to so much garbage in the airwaves and so many lies and deceits in high places in the headlines daily. I think that this was relfected in the decision to move the dancing lady. She did not fit in to the desired image to be created at that program.
In India or at special events he used to smile and bask in the energy the semi-circle of dancing gopis whirling wildly in their fervor, and he probably still does. This venue must not have been 'dance-friendly', too many tight sphincters in that area. Maybe they should put a little blurb in the programs to let premies know how bhakti (devotional) they can express openly based on location, or they can make an announcement at the 'praticipation meeting' just prior to the main event, when they explain to premies how expensive jet fuel is getting, not to mention the best weed and cognac on the planet.