Hold on, Jonathan. I was there, and I know who's the lady you're talking about. This lady is not only very poor but sadly mentally disabled too, and I can tell you that everyone treats her with utmost care and sensibility, sometimes people collect money and pay for her trip to some events with M, and she's never asked for money to pay for these events.
At the event you mentioned, this lady was selling some necklaces in the registration area while people where registering for the event. Someone approached her and asked her very politely if she could please sell them after the event, somewhere outside the hall where other guys were planning to sell some t-shirts too, and she put them back in her bag with a sweet smile on her face, saying she understood.
Then, when she was dancing in the aisle, a friend of mine and another guy who do security service (who are no goons but very nice people) approached her (not swarmed her) and explained to her that before events take place the venues instruct them to leave the aisles uncluttered at all times in case of fires or other possible emergencies, so they walked with her to the back of the hall (not extricated from the auditorium) where she continued to happily dance her little heart out.
You see, my friends, there's another side to a story that you may not know, and this is what I was trying to remind Jim and others when I told my father's story in a previous message to this forum.