Re: The best article on the pandemic I've read bar none
Re: Re: The best article on the pandemic I've read bar none -- Jim Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

04/28/2020, 14:13:01
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um, sorry Jim, I don't know the author at all but I wasn't impressed by his writing.

Richard Dawkins set a benchmark in academic writing for me.  The bit I always remember is where he says this following bit is me trying to convince you - of whatever point it was, it wasn't the point that mattered, it was the respect he showed for his reader in self-alerting.

This article falls short of that by a long chalk.  To me it reads like it was written with the purpose of rewriting the history of Trump's leadership re the pandemic.  Dollied up in comparative history lessons which are the best part but spoilt for me because I lost trust in the author.

I have very little respect for academia, the way you get ahead is by writing articles and getting them linked - the more published you are, the more citations in other articles you get, the better your position in the industry.

Some people shine - Richard Dawkins was one.  these are the people I want to read.

In refutation of the whitewash -

If Trump really was thinking about the virus not trade why did he not say so?  Why did he not jump up and down to tell the American people this virus was coming out of China and we need to protect ourselves from the contagion by closing our borders straightaway?  

Trump seems to have been pretty consistent to me - don't know much about this flu thing, don't care, I won't get it, do want to keep the world turning - not exactly the leadership you want but not awful either.  Why not just admit it.  I think it is irresponsible to encourage people to protest the lockdown - gathering in crowds for any reason is obviously only going to increase contagion rates, and yes it is a lack of respect towards the frontline of health workers - he proves himself a poor leader in a crisis, unable to actually assume the role of protector of the people.  While in comparison Angela Merkel has gained a huge tick of approval from her people.  I can't say I've taken to our leader, Scott Morrison but I do like him a bit better - I expect he will continue to put himself first going on into the future but I think he rose to the occasion and did well.  And then he passed the limelight to other people to communicate with the general population.

Trump didn't appear to shift gears at all to me, he has continued to polarise the American people all the way through.  Now here is this article - on the one hand it purports to be a piece of knowledgeable impartial writing but on the other it seems to have been written with the purpose of putting together a history of Trump's leadership through the virus crisis that puts him in almost a mythic hero light.

Of course you Trumpies love it!

Modified by lesley at Tue, Apr 28, 2020, 14:20:23

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