One Hundred hours of "Key" watching, then you can ask for K...
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

10/28/2004, 13:50:01
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I was looking for some mention of the new phase of aspirant indoctrination (excuse me, I should say "interested person" indoctrination) and came upon this new item in's FAQs.  Each "Key" has approximately 20 hours of videos of Rawat. 

If I am interested in the techniques that Maharaji teaches to connect within, what can I do next?
There is a period of preparation involved. The process of preparation is not an academic one with a start and a finish, but involves each person making their own inner journey of discovery. Therefore, how long it takes varies from person to person, allowing people to learn and develop at their own pace.

The current process for preparing to be taught the techniques of Knowledge is being phased out and a new process will be introduced soon. Those who are already in the current process can continue to prepare through it or wait for the new process; however, newly interested people are asked to wait for the new process to be launched.

Maharaji is currently developing this new process, which he calls "Keys". Each Key consists of a video in which he addresses specific understandings for preparing to receive Knowledge. There are five Keys for preparation and the sixth Key is a session in which one learns the techniques of Knowledge. Each Key includes approximately 20 hours of videos of Maharaji speaking at various events. After watching all five Keys, you can ask for the gift of Knowledge.

The Keys are coming soon. You are encouraged to listen, discover more about what is being offered, and keep in touch.

Related link: Contact info FAQs
Modified by Cynthia at Thu, Oct 28, 2004, 13:53:07

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