Jesus, sounds boring as hell. Can you just hit the "fast-forward" button and see it all in 20 hours? That makes more sense.
And after you complete the "keys," is there a test of some sort, to make sure you weren't watching porn or the entire first two seasons of "Six Feet Under" instead? And what would they ask you? How fat was Rawat in video number 46? What stupid joke did he tell in video 19?
This is all so ludicrous. Yet another scheme to finally get it right. Rawat is notorious for coming up with this garbage that is always "new" and "exciting" and "really the way it's all going to happen" but never does, because he hasn't a clue what he is doing beyond holding it together enough to keep his lifestyle intact.
In the meantime, people should just wait until the "keys" get done, whenever that is. Remember when there was this urgency to receieve knowledge because it was the purpose of having a human body and how sad it would be if you got hit by a bus and died before you got to the knowledge session?
Remember the idea that you had waited a gazillion lifetimes to get a human body and you couldn't possibly wait to get "the gift" of knowledge and how super precious that was and you would probably never get it again?
Well, now that's all just hogwash and you can fucking well just hang out and die until they get the "keys" ready. Yessir. Big deal, isn't it?
My how the mightly have fallen. What was once so damn important is now just a study course of boring. Rawat, talking-head videos that you can watch and then "ask" for knowledge, or not, or whatever, sometime, which may or may not be given, depending on some unknown criteria for being "ready."
Of course, being "ready" is the extent to which you "understand" that it's all about worshipping, and giving your hard-earned cash to, Prem Rawat.
What a joke it all is.