That's so funny I had to reply before reading the rest of your post!
Re: 100 hours of video of Rawat "speaking at various events" -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

10/28/2004, 17:07:35
Author Profile

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And after you complete the "keys," is there a test of some sort, to make sure you weren't watching porn or the entire first two seasons of "Six Feet Under" instead?  And what would they ask you?  How fat was Rawat in video number 46?  What stupid joke did he tell in video 19?

That's great, Joe.  I'm in no position yet to say if the rest of your post is boring or what because I haven't read it yet but this here is hilarious.  Seriously, though, there must be some sort of test involved, don't you think?  Either that or some very deep, protracted staring contests.

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