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Re: One Hundred hours of "Key" watching, then you can ask for K... -- Cynthia | Top of thread | Forum |
I was looking for some mention of the new phase of aspirant indoctrination (excuse me, I should say "interested person" indoctrination) and came upon this new item in Contactinfo.net's FAQs. Each "Key" has approximately 20 hours of videos of Rawat. >That is the price one pays, attention and headspace. If I am interested in the techniques that Maharaji teaches to connect within, what can I do next? >Some nuts are harder to crack than others. >The Lord is out and the Motivational Speaker is in, or is it still a nod-wink? And this is now all about just feeling good and not about our eternal souls being taken off the wheel of birth and death and attaining the highest experience of human life that only the Perfect Master can facilitate? Is that what is meant by the phase in-out thing? Or is it all window dressing and it's the same thing in the inner circle that gets dosed out to the neubies as they can handle it? >So the price one pays is attention and headspace and giving up anything that tells one not to do it. Kinda like programming or brainwashing. And who ever heard of having to 'ask' for a gift that is earmarked for you? Tacky. The Keys are coming soon. You are encouraged to listen, discover more about what is being offered, and keep in touch. >That's one thing that is consistent, he always wanted us to keep in touch...(maintaining his power base). What other reason could it be? He has pretty much told us from the stage he doesn't give a rat's ass about us personally, so why does he want us to keep in touch? >My two cents. |
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