Re: One Hundred hours of "Key" watching, then you can ask for K...
Re: One Hundred hours of "Key" watching, then you can ask for K... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

10/28/2004, 14:23:22
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Elan Vital says "The process of preparation is not an academic one with a start and a finish"

Then this:

"After watching all five Keys, you can ask for the gift of Knowledge."
Oh I get it. You can ask. But that doesn't mean the process of preparation ever finishes.

If it never finishes, then Rawat's dream is clear: to get people begging him for "knowledge", but never letting them have it. Though if they declare their dependence on him to be undisputed, they might just stand a chance. (Plus ça change).

(and to think the process could ever be "academic" - EV UK being an "educational" charity and all!)

Modified by cq at Thu, Oct 28, 2004, 14:24:54

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