Re: One Hundred hours of "Key" watching, then you can ask for K...
Re: Re: One Hundred hours of "Key" watching, then you can ask for K... -- cq Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

10/28/2004, 15:35:24
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Does this have anything to do with religion?
Knowledge is independent of religion and compatible with any religion. Knowledge simply allows people to connect to an inner source of fulfillment.

Is this a philosophy or a spiritual path?
Knowledge is a practical way of experiencing peace within. It is not related to any philosophy, belief system or spiritual path.

Will anything be asked of me if I decide to pursue this?
All that is involved for people who wish to pursue Knowledge is to learn more about the message and what is offered, develop their own understanding, and decide for themselves if it is something they truly wish to pursue.

If it's not a spiritual path, philosophy, or belief system, then why does someone need to listen to Rawat for 100 hours to gain an understanding?  An understanding of what of what, exactly, is needed to get four old crummy meditation techniques?  Could it be that "interested people" need to gain an understanding that it's a lifetime path of donation?

In the United States Elan Vital is a non-profit organization registered as a church. Well, this little California-based church doesn't have an official minister, reverend, priest, or rabbi, etc., no members, and it claims to not have any beliefs!  It does have a former guru, though.  And a Maharaji or, "great king."

Oh yeah.  Nothing is ever asked of anybody, except that they develop an understanding of a non-belief system and that they get really thirsty! 


Modified by Cynthia at Thu, Oct 28, 2004, 15:44:33

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