It's all right if you don't like me, Sandy...
Re: Re: This is a post about Wikipedia, so ignore if you're sick of it... -- San Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

10/02/2004, 08:07:27
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So I'm glad you're not pretending to like me!  I consider that healthy, given we were all in a cult where pretending about feelings was the norm.

I gave the warning about the Wikipedia topic because I know some people are sick of reading about it.   But, I do believe it was on-topic and others responded.  Actually, when I made the post yesterday I shut my computer off and went to do other things. It's autumn here in full color and the weather's been too spectacular to be sitting inside staring at a monitor.  So I wasn't even expecting any responses and didn't turn my computer back on until this morning.

FYI, some of us have tried to tell it like it really is in the Rawat cult over on Wiki.  We've been called liars and too verbose many times.  The whole point of my post was that I found it to be very weird (even beyond Wiki-weird) and deceptive that during the time that the Rawat articles have been in the writing/editing process, the same people who have been telling me and other exes that we're not credible have been busy defining the word "cult." 

It angered me, Sandy, that these people, some of whom are current followers of M, and some who are in other cults, and others that don't know shit about being in a cult, are now defining it.  If you haven't been following the articles, the people involved, and the talk pages, then I suppose much of it doesn't make sense.

I gave up on the articles a while ago, but I was reading the "to be launched" versions when I came upon this other project.  Btw, there's not one mention of Jagdeo in any of the articles.  This person, Gary D, decided there wasn't enough proof (and only one victim) to include it so he cut the section. 

I most definitely would not recommend that Susan or any other victims of Jagdeo try to go over there and "tell them like it is."  One reason is that they don't find us credible.  No one has theright to ask that of any survivor of child abuse, Sandy.  It's such a private and personal issue and too much to ask of anyone in that position.  That's why I didn't ask Susan about it when they cut the Jagdeo section. She and others have been subjected to quite enough scrutiny and verbal abuse online about it to ever suffer that nonsense again because of an encyclopedia that's online.


Modified by Cynthia at Sat, Oct 02, 2004, 08:27:08

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