WHAT? Not enough proof ???
Re: It's all right if you don't like me, Sandy... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

10/02/2004, 15:00:58
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Then why does Elan Vital have the following in their press-pack?


(8) Is it true that a former instructor engaged in sexual misconduct in the early '70s?

In 2000, Elan Vital first received a complaint of alleged sexual misconduct in the ’70s by Jagdeo, a former instructor. An investigation was launched by Elan Vital even though Jagdeo had not been associated with any organization promoting Maharaji’s teachings for many years and had not performed any duties as an instructor in the U.S. since the 1980s. With help from the organization in India (where Jagdeo had returned) Jagdeo was located and his whereabouts were communicated to the authors of the complaint against him. A resolution was reached and the complainants chose not to pursue the complaint further. Although nothing can undo what happened in the past, every effort was made to find a healing solution. Elan Vital is committed to providing an environment that is free of sexual harassment or any form of sexual misconduct and enforces a strict policy accordingly. Employees and representatives of EV undergo compulsory training to ensure that each individual fully understands this policy. EV promptly responds to any complaints it receives in this regard. Appropriate disciplinary action is taken against anyone who violates the policy.


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