Get this: Guru Maharaji (sic) videos a few times a week on Community TV 31 in Melbourne Australia!! TRUE and he's GM not PR i think... I'm trying to get them to "please explain" but no real response yet. i can watch him for about 20 seconds and i want to scream. worst of all some of it can even sound true and right and desirable. but then i want to scream!
love the website and forum, i spent lots of time looking at stuff here last year
i was a sucker for Lying Pig Man for a few years from the end of the ashram time, never lost my life or much money or anything but i still feel shame and anger about it all and the friends i got involved etc
like someone else posted here, i sometimes wonder if there is something I should DO to alert people. or do i just feel pissed off and want lying pig man to crash and burn?