Prem Pal attempts to dissociate himself from his past, for the umpteenth time ...
Posted by:
cq ®

09/17/2004, 14:26:29
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Rawat's latest offering (from the current "Inspire" website)

"I have a name that I associate with myself. But who am I? What am I? Is life really as complicated as I have made it? The good and the bad, the person who's going through a crisis—is that really me, or am I something else? Who I am is not the complicated, but the simple within me. Not the scales, not the weights, but an ocean of joy. Simple, beautiful. With one thirst—the thirst to be content, to be in peace, to be in joy, to understand."

What was that terrible joke about Cleopatra being "in de Nile"?

Related link:
Modified by cq at Fri, Sep 17, 2004, 14:28:20

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