... and expressing that anger is one of the most powerfully liberating aspects of the whole process. No wonder that EV focusses on it by labelling any exing premie as a potential "hate-club" member. What has to be realised is this: that feeling anger - hatred even - for what Prem Rawat has done to the lives of so many of us, is in fact an honest and honorable response to the reality of the deception that was perpetrated on us . And the more EV tries to suppress exing premies' (and even current premies') true feelings, the more that anger is fuelled. And there's plently more where that came from!
Alerting people? Well, you're posting here. That'll do for starters ...
Just remember this - balancing your anger at Prem Pal with your desire to free current premies from his grip is a trip that will require the best of your powers of communication.
Maybe it would be best to just express your anger/hate to its full for a while, until the other motive comes into focus... (though the internet may not be the best place to do this - personal interaction is always preferable, IMO).
But don't forget, the options are always yours.
cq (Chris)