Hi there
you said:
And then again i sometimes feel quite humbled. I didn't lose lots of money, I didn't lose my life, just a bit of sanity and dignity, and I can really understand now that all sorts of people can get into cults ....
Yep, I can certainly relate to that. I think for a lot of folks being in the cult has not been all doom and gloom but simply a sad detour where, as you put it, some sanity and dignity was lost. Also I can really relate to what you said about how we all came to this thing with love and pure intentions but somehow someone else got in the way.
For me, coming to terms of what happened, was helped a great deal in understanding, and remembering, and rediscovering my initial reasons for getting involved in this stuff in the first place. And then using that to move forward. And yet, I feel, I learnt a great deal in the meantime, it was not a waste.
Thanks for your good words spitz!