Re: Getting Prem Rawat in Court
Re: Re: Getting Prem Rawat in Court -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

09/13/2004, 12:47:38
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Seriously though, I do think that the possibility of being served with legal papers is the thing that most scares Maharaji.

Hi Thorin, I agree.  This is the reason that Elan Vital didn't pursue the copyright claim against EPO, aside from the fact that they didn't have a legal leg to stand on.  They, through people like Charles Glasser, engaged high-priced lawyers to fein that they were gonig to pursue such an action, and then they dropped it when EPO didn't just fold and go away.

EV was claiming that quotes and pictures were being used in violation of copyrights and EPO was claiming they weren't copyrighted at all, and constituted "fair use" because they revealed things that Rawat and the cult were trying to keep secret and/or lie about -- like the fact that Rawat repeatedly claimed to be the incarnation of God (equivalent to Jesus Christ) etc.  So, if EV had pursued the case, it would have been legitimate to depose Prem Rawat to ask him one way or another whether he said the things that are quotes on EPO.

That is the last thing Rawat would ever be willing to do, because he is "the master" at vague obfuscation when it comes to taking responsibility for his words and actions.   He has spent his entire life avoiding ever answering a direct question that he didn't want to answer.  That's why he NEVER does open interviews and relies instead on canned, censored PR, "interviews" in "Elandu" magazine.

[I know I keep mentioning "Elandu" magazine, but every time I say it, I laugh.  Am I the only one who Rawat appearing in "Elandu" Magazine is funny?  Isn't an "Elandu" an African antelope?]

Modified by Joe at Mon, Sep 13, 2004, 12:52:17

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