Re: Some Thorin: publicity
Re: Re: Some thoughts.... -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
another training survivor ®

09/13/2004, 18:19:44
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Hi Thorin, yes indeed, and what better way to embarrass the *lord* than repeat everything he said!!!!  (now what does that say, really)   What kind of a master keeps sticking his foot in it?  

Just a brief word about myself:  I'm not exactly new to the Forum - I've exed almost 3 years ago, have read a lot of EPO and have posted a few times before.  I had struggled with anonymity, but after what happened to John Macgregor (who I hope can at least continue to write),  seeing to what degree EV will go to discredit exes speaking out, decided to remain anonymous for good.

PS:  I related well to your Orlando story above   That was always my approach too - just say I'm going on vacation.    I just hoped they didn't ask me WHERE when it was a Miami program in mid-July (icon for sweaty face).   

Cheers to you too,



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