Re: Getting Prem Rawat in Court
Re: Re: Getting Prem Rawat in Court -- nemesis Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Thorin ®

09/13/2004, 06:23:52
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Hi nemesis

Of course Maharaji is very use to being served, that is his whole raison d'etre. Luckily for him so far he has not been served under a legal process, only so far by unsuspecting people who thought that Maharaji would provide them with answer to life or whatever.

Seriously though, I do think that the possibility of being served with legal papers is the thing that most scares Maharaji.  When one looks back and indeed looks at how Maharaji and his organisations operate it certainly appears that everthing is done to minimise the risk that Maharaji is ever legally served.  It is only when this risk appears to be minimal or non-existant will Maharaji allow an aggressive legal action to take place.  Witness, for example, the action taken by IRCC (and others) against John MacGregor. I have no doubt in my mind that Maharaji felt the risk to him was minimal and thus allowed that action to take place.  Another example is the legal action that Elan Vital started against EPO and JHB.  Once JHB rebutted the various claims and forcefully stated that he was quite willing to go to court on the issue, Elan Vital backed off very fast as they knew that the risk for Maharaji would be very great, like Maharaji having to appear in court as a witness, or even as a defendant.

So I think that Maharaji continues to hide from any possibility of having to subject himself from any legal actions or legal questions.  I'm sure that he would absolutly hate having to answer any questions whatsoever on the matter of the Indian cyclist being killed or exactly when and what circumstances he knew about Jagdeo.  And such questions do not have to be asked in a court of law.  All it would take is for the mainstream media to sniff at these stories and start asking questions directly to Maharaji (or via his foundation or Elan Vital etc) for Maharaji to become extremly uncomfortable.  That is the bed he lies in and he knows it.  There is now nothing he can do to avoid this possibility and I think it it is only a matter of time.


Modified by Thorin at Mon, Sep 13, 2004, 06:26:08

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