Re: silly people
Re: silly people -- Henna Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
jonx ®

09/04/2005, 07:30:20
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...judging what they don't understand.

What they don't understand? What planet are you on? Let's look at who has the understanding of what and who does the judging.

First, premies and ex-premies have a similar experience-base:

  • we all received Knowledge
  • we are relatively the same age range and therefore have similar societal conditioning
  • before Knowledge most of us knew there was something more to life and therefore looked for something deeper
  • most of us tried to some degree to to dedicate our lives to Maharaji and Knowledge
  • all of us had and still have misconceptions about what Knowledge is and the role Maharaji plays
  • all of us experienced all the same doubts along the way

The one obvious difference between premies and ex-premies is premies came through the doubts, and are able to see them from the other side. Ex-premies are stuck grappling with those doubts. Premies didn't let the suspicions promulgated by a small "mob" of malcontents obscure the reality of their experience of Knowledge, nor their appreciation for the person who brought that experience to them. Ex-premies on the other hand are exercising extreme revisionism in an attempt to expunge from their history anything positive or beautiful concerning their life with Maharaji.

So, I contend that premies understand a lot about where ex-premies are coming from; the reverse cannot be said. Premies' understanding encompasses a dimension that is unknown to ex-premies, i.e., seeing those nasty doubts for what they really are.

Ex-premies live under the false assumption that because they were premies they understand the full spectrum. With respect, the book is not closed; there is more to understand about Maharaji than you think you already "know".

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