Simplistic and Contradictory
Re: Re: Rawat in the West is pretty much dead -- d Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

08/25/2005, 14:32:40
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Simplistic and Contradictory.......

Contradiction, just some examples off the top of my head:

Peace is inside of you and very beautiful, but you have to be constantly reminded to have it;

Knowledge is natural and simple, but it's also really hard;

Prem Rawat is just an inspirational speaker, but people worship him and kiss is feet and he does nothing to dissuade that;

Knowledge is easy and natural, but you need somebody else to get to it

The techniques are simple and free, and "given" but you have to agree never to ever show them to anybody else, or even talk about your "experience."

Prem Rawat is  "teacher" and his followers are "students" but unlike other student/teacher relationships, one never actually "learns" anything, ever moves on, and certainly can't "teach" themselves

Inside of you is duality -- there is your heart and there is your mind and they are at odds, except really, everything is perfect and the way it should be

Knowledge was the experience of God until recently, and now it isn't.

Rawat was the Lord of the Universe but now he isn't

Rawat said this was a path of devotion and surrender, but not anymore;

This is a simple experience of peace, which is very natural, but you have to "be ready" to get it by watching 100 hours of video to "be ready."

At an intro event, Rawat will say knowledge is simple and there is nothing you have to learn, but you have to spend 100 hours getting the proper "understanding," and so he won't give you the techniques immediately, no matter how much you want them (ahem, "thirst" for them).

You can't understand the experience until you have it, but there is a lot to understand before you can get the techniques and no clear guidelines as to when one is "ready";

You are supposed to be able to judge whether you like the experience or not, but you aren't supposed to doubt.

This is not a religion, but Elan Vital is legally a church.

There is no belief system, just an experience, but then there are a lot of beliefs, including that this isn't a belief system.

As for "simplistic" just listen to him.  He does nothing more than say simplistic platitudes with lots of pausing, much of which is incoherent if you actually look at what he says.


Modified by Joe at Thu, Aug 25, 2005, 14:37:54

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