Peace is inside of you and very beautiful, but you have to constantly remind yourself to experience it.
No, you need Prem Rawat to remind you to experience it, according to Prem Rawat, of course. Also, do you need to remind yourself to eat, or have sex, or go to the bathroom, or eat candy, or do anything else that is beautiful and enjoyable? Why is "knowledge" different, if what Rawat says is true? It's a nutty contradiction, actually it's Hindu dualism, but that's another discussion.
As an artist I try to work with 'natural' and 'simple' conceptual models. As a musician I try to work with 'natural' (for the medium) and 'simple' (for the context) musical bases, and it's really hard.
Sorry, this is a non sequitur and you missed my point. Nobody told you art was easy, or that being a musician was easy or that either were simple, or came naturally or easily and that you would have to practice and study hard. In fact, I'm sure any music or art teacher you ever had said that you have to work very hard, and it would often be difficult, but hopefully worth it. Rawat says knowledge is so simple, anybody can experience it, and you can experience it anytime you want, immediatly, but at the same time, it's really hard, you are constantly distracted, and your mind it out to get you from the experience. That's very different, and obviously contradictory. (And also the belief system of Hindu dualism as well, oh, forgot, there is not belief system, right?)
Knowledge is easy and natural, but it helps to have somebody reminding you of its changing nature, preventing you turning it into a set of dogmas?
Huh? Now you're just reaching. M says knowledge is the only thing that isn't changing, right? Or has he contradicted himself on that too? As for the set of dogmas, he already has that.