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Utter BS! | ![]() | ||
Re: Re: Of course it's not a cult, Jon -- jonx | Top of thread | Forum |
Jonx, First you say "From your storey, one cannot say your motivation for going in the first place was genuine. It does not surprise me therefore that you ended up not pursuing it." I commend you on your incredible ability and talent to suss out or judge whether a person is genuine or not , simply by reading their post! (my BS detecter is up and running)... is this your objective opinion? Next you say.... "There was a time when it was a cult. I'll be first to admit that. For some it no doubt still is. But that is a subjective reality projected onto the whole thing by a misguided individual" A subjective reality? Projected by a misguided individual? Hmmm, in medical terms ...subjective is what an individual perceives his or her state to be.... so I guess you and others do realize you are part of a cult! If you or others still remain even though you do recognize that you are in a cult...then I question your sense of right and wrong! Or at least your ability to make choices. 'Objective' means as viewed from others. 'Projected by a misguided individual'.... I read this as your admitting that m was the 'misguided' individual that was projecting this "onto the whole thing". Well, you can't have it both ways.... as has been stated....either m and his group are a cult or they are not! You can't be a cult for some and not for others and then claim never to have been one.... except for a few, but not for new people joining, until they get to the point where they 'understand' more and are convinced to take part in the cult aspects of the group, that doesn't exist except for a few. ::::head spinning::::: Also JONX.....why don't you tell us what is attractive to people today about m? Of course that is ASSUMING that people ARE being attracted! (not talking about in India) Since PWK's cannot talk about k or m.... and what is being presented is only a highly polished .. scrubbed clean...censored view of m or k, what is the attraction(if any)? To learn from an international speaker, yet not ever talking to him in person? To learn meditation techniques from videos that m himself spoke about years ago as being impossible as you needed a "living" master to impart the techniques? To find 'peace within' yet have to rely on that which is without (M) to experience it? To be part of a group that pays to support a person that doesn't even know you? (you can send me $1 million if you want), This sounds too much like a Tony Robbins infomercial to me~~~ |
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