When I was first introduced to "M"'s videos etc... I actually tried to look for info on him on the internet, but there was really nothing about him back then.
And the videos are not what sucked me in, but talking to pretty regular people talking about how amazing knowledge was, they were well trained to not let people who are curious about K, find out about all the service and worship that goes along with K, they just talked about how great K was and rarely even mentioned M. It wasn't until I went to a Live event in LB were I overheard hard-core premies talking about service, that day was a real eye opener. By that time I was also starting to get the feeling that the videos were bait. Expectations can really do wonders on your brain.
Here is an example, when I was a kid, my dad told me about how great and much fun the Martial Fields toy store in chicago was, I really built up this place in my mind as the most fantasic toy store in the world, and when I was about 9 we took a trip to IL to visit family and a stop at Martial Fields was on the agenda. My dad was talking about how great it was going to be during the whole trip from CA to IL. By the time we got there I was ready to burst.
Once inside I acted like I was in the best place in the world, but deep down I knew it was really nothing special, they had all the same toys at the toy shops in LA, etc. But part of me didn't want to disapoint my dad, and part of me thought well I SHOULD think this is the best place on earth, my dad told me so and he can't be wrong...
I think M understands this situation, and uses the videos to build up K into this thing you are just ready to burst for, so once i figured that out, I knew it was nothing that special and left after only a few months. If K was truely magical he would give it to you on day 1 and because it was so great, you would naturally be greatfull. But from what I understand after you receive K, there is still always a catch, you never quite get the carrot dangling infront of you, you need more service, you need to abandon your rational thinking, etc.