It's rare when almost-premies come to this forum and share their experience. And I don't think it's rare because most people end up following through with Maharaji's 'Knowledge' and become so satisfied.No, I suspect that most people are like you, Mick. Somehow, someone with Knowledge makes contact and pushes and urges them to go to a very innocous little meeting with a video that has almost no content at all. If that doesn't scare them off then maybe a few more videos will put them off.
Or maybe those people might do a web search and come up with a mountain of reasons not to get pulled into Maharaji's cult.
But, MC, your report here confirms a lot of what we have either seen ourselves, except for the evil boss thing which is not that surprising, or what we suspect is happening out there in the field.
IMO, these forums and a lot of this historical archives (video, publications, quotations, audio, pictures, etc.) are quite fascinating. In fact, the material is a good historical perspective of a 60's and 70's cult.
I do believe, MC, that you were fortunate because getting sucked into the cult is a slippery slope and before you know it you're talking like this jonx fellow. Again, meditation techniques are free and that's the way it should be. I found that my free meditation technique in the little pocket yoga book was very effective. And one reason it was effective was because there was no guru or Perfect Master or Teacher, as they sometimes call Maharaji, who is loading your head up with lots of ideas in order to keep you tethered to them for the purpose of getting money from you to live out their fantasy lifestyle.