Re: Hey Eileen!
Re: Re: Hey Eileen! -- Pat W Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
eileen ®

05/27/2005, 12:49:52
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"Of course none of her judgements about Maharaji's particular brand of self-knowledge are made from her own experience of having become a premie etc. but we have to accept that objective valuations are not invalid. Wouldn't you agree?"

Yes I agree.

"Should we disagree with RJC or tell her she is disingenuous for embarking on her own crusade to stop what she sees as a 'diabolical cult' simply because she hasn't become a member or 'tasted the fruit'?"

No you don't need to - I already did and that's why we are having this discussion.

"The natural conclusion to anyone coming here who does not pursue dialogue is that they really don't want to, and just want to sling shots or state their POV without any accountability. In a forum where you avoid answering people it generally means you have no reasonable answer and the other person's point of view is more reasonable."

That is not my reason for not wanting to pursue dialog. This is not personal, Pat, but you posed the question so I will try to convey my feelings about this forum. Have you ever tried to pursue dialog with a Jehovah's Witness, or a born again Christian? They are radical, pigheaded & unwavering. That's what it is like for people coming here who don't feel the same way you do. There is no winning an argument here. Your responses are always the same and nothing anyone says is going to change your mind. YOU ARE VICTIMS - YOU ARE ALWAYS GOING TO BE VICTIMS!!! Maharaji ruined your life - it is all his fault that you are failures. I see so many people here who would have made great litigators - you can argue your points flawlessly, and have the expertise of the world's greatest psychoanalysts to back you up. Why would I try to argue with that?

Livia just spent several days trying to convey a point, which I think could have actually helped people here to move on, but she was basically called a "LOOSER" (loser) quite a few times and finally left. And anyone I have ever seen come here to try to make a point has always been reduced to a brainwashed cult member loser.

I have been reading here for a couple of years maybe longer on and off. I originally came here by accident looking for an elan vital website. And I have read EVERYTHING that has been posted here. Nothing that was written here was anything that I hadn't heard before. (Not peoples personal experiences but general accusations about Maharaji). The only reason I posted here at all this time was in support of what Livia was saying. That I don't blame Rawat - I blame ME for the extent to which I was involved - for how much I hurt family members and friends by ignoring them when they were in trouble and close to death because Maharaji called, and that was my first committment. I spent years sacrificing time and energy for things that I now look back on as ridiculous. But maybe it was all part of the plan for me. Everyone's lives are filled with learning experiences, and I spent about 25 years in this one. I do regret many of the choices I made, but they were my choices. Alot of good came from it too, which is what you all seem to forget. That is why it is so unhealthy to spend so much time here reinforcing the negative. You've got one guy here who keeps coming up with pictures & quotes of Rawat when he was just a child - and everyone comments about it again and again. And continues to relive all of those times you are trying to leave behind. Many of you seem to think that you would all be rich & successful if you had not been involved with the "cult" all those years. How could you know that. You could have been working for some ass hole who would wind up firing you after 20 years & you'd still be without a retirement plan. Or you would have gotten involved with some other type of spiritual group. You have to admit, we weren't exactly mainstream people who's desire was to buy a house and start gaining equity. Most premies or former premies that I know did do something with their lives - the ashrams closed in the early 80's which was over 20 years ago. Most of us were only in our 30's at the time - definitely not ready for retirement. All of the big honcho premies started businesses, law practices, medical careers. They became wealthy first, and are now the main contributes to Rawat's work because that's what they want to do with the money that they have earned. Alot of others became successful and left and nobody has heard from them since. I thought we were being encouraged to do something with our lives, to get ourselves in a position to be financially stable. I went back to school and got a degree along with getting married, raising kids and working full time.

You say you are here to help others who want to exit, but you are TOO radical, TOO hateful, and rational people can see that although you may think you have rock solid proof that Rawat is some maniacal cult leader, there is still something a little off about your behavior. You really are not helping people, and you are certainly not helping each other, but are reinforcing yourselves to remain entrenched in something that you say you have left behind. You can do what you want with your lives, but
some of you are still here and seem to be stuck in the same spot you were in when I started reading here years ago. Still complaining that Rawat is rich and you are not. That he stole your youth. Most of us were the most heavily involved in our 20's. And what was the rest of the world doing in their 20"s?
Most likely not contributing to their 401K's. I know some who were fighting wars, living thru abusive marriages, living thru drug rehab programs. And what were we doing? Exactly what we wanted to be doing, regardless of all the friends and loved ones who tried to convince us that we were wasting our lives in a cult being brainwashed. But we knew that it wasn't true because of the **BEWARE CULT LANGUAGE** "incredible experiences" we were having. And anyone who was involved for 30 years and wasn't having an experience - SHAME ON YOU!! You have nobody to blame but yourself for that.

So I hope I have answered some of your questions. I honestly don't know why I come here. Maybe I just want to state my point of view without accountability like Pat said. I think other points of view are necessary in all situations. It gives people something to react to. I appreciate all of you who have contacted me privately - please continue to do so if you wish.

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