Err pardon me Eileen
Re: Re: Hey Eileen! -- eileen Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
hamzen ®

05/27/2005, 15:36:35
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but you do seem pretty sure of peoples motivations for being here.

I know for a fact that a lot of people who are here, are here for completely different reasons.

Quite a few people have left because of the sites, including a number who post here, also quite a few people who were half getting sucked in have avoided it.

Personally I've always fought injustice and fraudulence when it turns up in my life, and I also feel a need to balance the books to friends and family.

Career wise I have no gripes with Rawat, my gripes are about his lack of ethics, complete shamelessness and peddling his whole mission on a straight faced lie, that the techniques of meditation were uniquely his.
Personally also, and even more than the Jagedeo issue itself dfor some reason, is the way he got his lieutenants to pimp for him.

His treatment of these women was not pleasant. Bearing in mind the way he was revered then, it's a SERIOUS abuse of power for which he has never been accountable, and although not illegal, well you get my drift.

It's because people don't challenge stuff like this that we have the world we have at present.

You also seem to have no understanding thatmany of the people who do resent the most went on fairly successful careers too where bweing ten years behind the game seriously affected them, however good they were. For others less successful there was the whole thing about the world, careers and mind, Some people obviously took him literally. It can take years to shake that stuff out of their heads.

For some who talks like a positive thinking is the only way counsellor you do seem rather as judgemental as you accuse people here of being.

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