Re: Excerpt from below - I think this is extremely important and germane
Re: Excerpt from below - I think this is extremely important and germane -- Songster Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
jonx ®

03/31/2005, 04:39:47
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...its really not okay - you know, the leave the happy premie alone shit, it means they are enablers, and responsible. They are culpable.

Careful mate! You are treading on dangerous ground here. You need to keep at least a grain of humility, enough to recognize that your opinion about Maharaji is just that... an opinion. And you fucking well better "leave the happy premie alone", otherwise you are culpable of something quite disgusting -- of interfering with human rights, or worse.

You guys are sounding more like right-wing christian neandrathal fanatics every day.

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