Human Rights
Re: Re: Excerpt from below - I think this is extremely important and germane -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
NikW ®

03/31/2005, 11:43:39
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>better "leave the happy premie alone", otherwise you are culpable of something quite disgusting -- of interfering with human rights, or worse<

And which human rights are those ? Certainly none that are enforceable as such in the US where TPRF and Elan Vital Inc. are headquartered. - Citizen Rights perhaps - but not 'Human Rights' , for the latter you need the aegis of the UN (a weak influence) or the European Court of Human Rights (a strong influence).

When dealing with oppressive, bullying organisation the ECHR has made a recent and interesting ruling in the case of the MacDonalds Two ( a couple who fifteeen years ago distributed leaflets critical of MacDonalds' environmental and nutrition record - and were sued for libel by the multi national). The ECHR has ruled that the British Government failed to ensure that the individual's human rights were upheld because it denied them legal aid (public funding) for their defence.

No one but you Jonx has suggested any action that involves interfering with [individual's] human rights - still you need to get that in don't you so that Rawat can hide behind a smokescreen of premies being attacked because of their religious affiliation. Er? hang on though it's not about religion is it ? OK I'll ask again  which human rights are those ?

And on the subject of 'affiliation' - why not tell us if you do or do not benefit financially from Rawat, Elan Vital, TPRF or related operations ? After all it's a significant issue if you are aguing not only from some philosophical basis but on the basis of maintaining a material reward.



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