Re: Excerpt from below - I think this is extremely important and germane
Re: Re: Excerpt from below - I think this is extremely important and germane -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Songster ®

03/31/2005, 20:49:59
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Careful? Are you threatening me you fucking piece of shit? Your fear of culpability is not my problem - it is the problem of your conscience, or what remains of it. To take responsibility for those whom you promote is the most basic form of moral integrity, and is obviously utterly beyond your grasp.

You are beneath contempt.

My "opinions" about "Maharaji" are considerably better founded and well informed than yours will probably ever be.

A classic mistake in the feds failure to intercede in cult abuse and misconduct is an unreasoning fear of infringing on the constitutionally protected freedom of religion. Any informed cult litigator will happily concede the right of anyone to have whatever misguided beliefs they choose to adopt. The line cults cross, however, that makes them vulnerable to legal action is in the specific demonstration of those beliefs when exercised in contravention of the laws of the land. And the resulting punitive litigation, when it does against all financial odds succeed, is not only fully proper and richly deserved, it is required of a courageous and enlightened society.

As far as "leaving happy premies alone" is concerned it is my view that they do not deserve a free pass philosophically here on this site. There is enough information available that is suffficiently well documented (and I might add not vigorously legally challenged) that makes it deliberately reckless and irresponsible to ignore. People who do this, like yourself, do not deserve any respect or any allowances. You arrogantly thumb your nose at strong evidence that your beloved guru has done and continues to do great harm.

So Fuck You. Your post has made me more angry than I have ever been on this forum, or about this material for a long time. You have absolutely no idea what you are dealing with or who Maharaji actually is, do you? No fucking idea.

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