the immorality of ignorant pundits
Re: Re: Excerpt from below - I think this is extremely important and germane -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonti ®

03/31/2005, 12:34:59
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The thing is Jonx, there is no human right to be deluded, or to spread untruths. My position is that it is downright immoral (a violation of human rights and dignity) to insist on the objective truth of any proposition, in the absence of logically satisfactory evidence for that proposition.

And just because there is no right to be deluded or to go about telling lies, so there can be no right not to be offended. Your religious beliefs about Rawat really do stink to adherents of other Messianic religions. Your notions of karma and devotion are repellent to most Hindus and Muslims. And all cults are laughable and absurd to victims of other cults.

Sure you can plead to be left to enjoy your masturbatory religious fantasies in peace. The Christian Church wanted Galileo to leave them in peace to enjoy their fantasy about the Earth being at the centre of the Universe.

But people still have just as much right to tell the truth about Rawat's racket as Galileo had to tell the truth about the Sun. Any offence this causes to your clerics and their fellow travellers is down to them only. Their feeling of offence flows from nothing more substantial than having an error pointed out to them. Growing up can be painful, sure. But remaining in an infantile dependence is likely to be worse.

-- never a premie

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