Excerpt from below - I think this is extremely important and germane
Posted by:
Songster ®

03/29/2005, 21:04:07
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From NikW's post below:

My own 'negative' judgement about premies has almost nothing to do with 'the old days' - but does have a great deal to do with how they support a corrupt and corrupting set up without having the backbone to either stand up and point out what is wrong - or get up and leave. They may be happy,  but others will pay a price for those premies, cosy world remaining untroubled.

Right on Nik - you say so well something that hasn't gotten enough traction in my opinion. Namely that warm bath solpsism courtesy of vicious ad hominem attacks, at the worst, and what must be called none other than fraud at best (and a particularly despicable and intimate kind of fraud at that) accrues to the blissfully ignorant adherent's moral ledger.

But, does anybody care about this idea, really? Because if it has validity, then its really not okay - you know, the leave the happy premie alone shit, it means they are enablers, and responsible. They are culpable.

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