Re: Excerpt from below - I think this is extremely important and germane
Re: Excerpt from below - I think this is extremely important and germane -- Songster Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

03/30/2005, 07:12:56
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It is an important point, because when people enable premies to continue on in their belief-system, they are also encouraging those people to support a fraud, namely Prem Rawat.  It's as if because of all of revisionism, and/or what premies' lifestyles look like now (as if that constitutes "happiness"), when compared to say, the 70s and early 80s, that denial and enabling excuses anything that Prem Rawat has ever done, and still does.  It's utter bullsh*t, IMO.  Prem Rawat has hurt a lot of people, and somehow, because he seems so innocuous now, that somehow makes everything he's ever done, A-Okay, including the lies he propagates about himself today!  Premies, by definition of their belief in Prem Rawat and their protection of his lies, become liars themselves -- even if it's by ommission.

One major thing that comes to my mind is the cover up of the Jagdeo child sexual abuse.  Some may think that because it happened so long ago that such a cover-up of pedophilic abuse of premie children by Rawat & Co. can or should be brushed under the rug.  Well, the courts in the U.S. didn't think that victims of Catholic priests should be brushed under the rug at all, and the abuses that were adjudicated had happened decades before.  When legal action was taken because of it, the rulings have proved otherwise -- in favor of the victims.  But, hey, let's all bury our heads in the sand and be Pollyannas!!

The huge issue is the funding by premies of Prem Rawat's lifestyle. Just about one year ago he sold the Serenity yacht, which was funded by premies but Rawat never got around to explaining just how that megayacht fit into his "propagation plans."  He didn't bother to even tell premies that they had purchased that luxury boat for him, but hey, that's okay, too -- he's the Lord, right?  Premies continue to buy into the big lie that Rawat is actually doing propagation.  They indulge in a lot of cognitive dissonance surrounding that claim because the numbers don't bear  out that any propagation is happening, and what premies are funding is the high living being done by Rawat and his family.  Why is it perfectly okay for Prem and his adult children to be living off the premie dole after all of these years?  I mean, really! Why don't those Rawat kids get jobs and why aren't premies asking those questions?  Hello?

Right on Nik - you say so well something that hasn't gotten enough traction in my opinion. Namely that warm bath solpsism courtesy of vicious ad hominem attacks, at the worst, and what must be called none other than fraud at best (and a particularly despicable and intimate kind of fraud at that) accrues to the blissfully ignorant adherent's moral ledger.

I have to say that what premies have done anonymously to those of us who use our real names on this forum has been far worse than "warm bath solopism, courtesy of vicious ad hominem attacks."  What anonymous premies have done is libel some of us to the extent that it's gone on for over three years.  They've contacted some of the employers of ex-premies and professional associations in an attempt to ruin exes' careers, personal lives and well-being.  They've done worse than that, too, stuff I won't even bring up on this board.  It's enormously ironic isn't it,  that those things are the exact same allegations set forth on Elan Vital's faq's against ex-premies?!?  It's hilarious sort of, until I Google my name and come up with a libelous, hateful premie website that has my real name on it.  Those are real life consequences to me, for using my real name online and those consequences extend far beyond cyberspace.  Those premies have done it on purpose, too -- anonymously.

I don't buy the argument of some that it's all okay to still be "blissful premies" because some premies haven't been aware of any of this stuff, or about what Rawat has ever done, or that premies "secretly" don't condone it, as if exes are supposed to be mindreaders and know of their disapproval through intuition.  Actions speak louder than words.

Premies have threatened my life because I've been vocal and forthright about my time in the cult.  I've been hung in effigy.  I've been told by premies that I don't deserve to live because of what I've said online, and that I should watch my back.  Recently, an ex-premie wrote to me saying that they "understand why I feel the need to protect myself from premies."  Well, that was the understatement of the year!  But, I'm not about to drag out all of the hundreds of posts premies have written (just about me in particular in a three year campaign) because since Forum 8 started, a policy was made so that these things just aren't discussed here specifically anymore, and I agree with that policy.    

In a cult where the leader is consistently protected by his followers -- and that means all of his followers I don't care where they live or who they are -- and premies say that they "just didn't know" is simply no excuse.  And, IMO, anyone who enables these premies to continue on in their ignorant bliss is no friend of mine.  All of these excuses sound to me just like a co-dependent who shares a life with an alcoholic or a junkie.  It's patent denial and borders on delusional thinking, too, because where the rubber meets the road, either premies have integrity or they don't.  Now there is ample information available to them to make that choice about themselves.


Modified by Cynthia at Wed, Mar 30, 2005, 07:40:07

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