a new era is about to begin
Posted by:
quirky ®

03/26/2005, 10:37:42
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I went the the newly revised contact info site referenced below and clicked on faqs.

It appears that the "new" way to go through the "process" is about to begin. My prediction is that this is the beginning of the end, at least in the west, since the only way to go through the process, starting in a few weeks, they say, is to do the 6 keys. Having seen the intro and first key, I cannot imagine any intelligent person proceeding much farther. Since M now spends 6 months a year in India, my prediction is that, as the money from the west dwindles, he will spend more and more time there, and other countries where he is still the Lord and can be adored and get donations from an increasingly growing middle class there (created by our outsourcing of jobs to India).

Here are some tidbits from the faqs (the red is my emphasis):

A new process for preparing for Knowledge is about to be introduced. Those who are already in the current process can continue to prepare that way or wait for the new process. Newly interested people are asked to wait for the new process to be launched.

The new process is called “The Keys," and consists of viewing video materials designed to help a person prepare to learn the techniques of Knowledge. There are six Keys. The first five consist of a presentation by Maharaji and approximately ten to twelve hours of supporting video material. After watching the first five Keys, you can ask to learn the techniques of Knowledge, which are taught in the sixth Key in a special session. The sessions take place in many countries around the world on scheduled dates each year.

What is Maharaji’s role in this process?
He introduces the possibility of finding peace within and offers a practical way of doing so. He offers inspiration and guidance throughout the preparation process and after.

What does this cost?
The video material is made available on loan at no charge, (with the exception of a shipping and handling fee in some areas of the world). The techniques are also taught free of charge.

How can I find out more about this Knowledge and the Keys process?
A website will be available within a few weeks with much relevant information. Stay tuned.


I doubt M will be traveling as much to see actual people in the west as the cost of fuel takes away from funds he could use for his lifestyle and pasttimes.

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