Re: a new era is about to begin | |||
Re: Re: a new era is about to begin -- NikW | Top of thread | Forum |
NikW I understand your ideas and information about India and its economy and how M used to do large programs with a bulk of low income Indians. Sounds like you konw more about how the politics and economy of India work at this time. An interesting thing I have been noticing (since I only left the cult a few months ago, and got some up to date info on how things are working from the inside (plus what has been posted here about the new YP movement around the world and specifically in India) is that they are now targeting a different demographic. There is a rising class of Indians who are young and making a very good living from the outsourcing business. I was working for a large internet retailer who, in 2000, was starting one of the first customer service bases in India, bringing young, hip, intelligent Indians here to train them in speaking and writing American English instead of British English, training them on the databases and internal workings of the internet based system to use. Then they sent a team to India to set up the offices, train others, and start the transfer. They started innovating the technology, stting up internet hubs and all sorts of money was poured into it. They paid so much less for labor, but it was a wage that gave these young Indians a huge income in their own country. Now, with the YP movement hitting the young Indians, who have extra money to spend outside of living expenses, M may be able to draw a different type of donor. Plus he is courting the rich and politically powerful and altruistic by his new humanitarian facade, doing more giving (even though it seems a petty amount) in those areas than in the west. They may still be able to funnel these funds to the EV-based hub in Switzerland. It may be that the rules surrouding moving of funds is changing as so many foreign countries are in the outsourcing business from Banks, to even the IRS and India wants to benefit from the foreign money and be more open internationally. But I am just saying this from conjecture as I have no idea how it currently works. But as you said, this may catch up with him eventually as his true lifestyle begins to filter and the particular financial laws of India start to monitor him. Who knows. Also, I agree about his need to keep the donors in the West. But many of the biggest ones are starting to get burned by the money drain of Amaroo and the mismanagement of the large loans that are now coming due. It's going to take a lot of fast talking and creative bookkeeping in the next few years to avoid a crisis, in my opinion. Finally, I can't wait until you all can see the Keys intro and get your take on it. |
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