Focusing on Heeem.
Re: The DECA Timeline My story summarized -- Joe Top of thread Forum
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03/16/2005, 04:20:08
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That's an interesting tale Joe. It brought back lots of memories of my trips to Miami around that time.

The point that jumped from the screen was where you wrote about why you were fired, you were showing too much concern for the premies and not enough for Captain Rawat. This was one of the daggers that pierced my premie heart. Nobody gives a shit about the premies, and premies are steered into the frame of mind where they don't give a shit about each other.

This attitude exists when the Captain is in the room. All attention is focused on him, nothing on anyone else. Caring about another person is a no no in these situations. "We only exist to serve Heeem". etc

It's dehumanisation. If you're a premie, and there is a conflict between serving your family, friends, or community, or serving Captain Rawat, there's not even a choice there. You have to serve Captain Rawat- being as he's the Lord, he's the one giving your family and friends life, so by serving Heeem, you're serving them too. Ha fucking ha. We certainly fell for that one.

Anyway, hope all is well Joe, and have you seen Vera Drake yet?

Anth the decaying.

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