Here's another reminder, Joy
Re: Still waiting for your reply, Joy -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

02/06/2005, 18:46:17
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Got a quote for me Neville? I don't seem to recall Maharaji telling us "to abandon our academic careers and relationships in order to serve him." Refresh my memory, sir. When did this occur?

Here's another teaser to jog your memory about how Rawat discouraged us from having relationships, Joy. 

Mind lulls us away into something, but everything's here, like that example, that story of this premie who came to Guru Maharaj Ji's ashram to dedicate his life. You might say he did dedicate his life. He moved into Guru Maharaj Ji's ashram and stayed there and he would do service every day. One day he decided he wanted to go off and get married.

And to me it's so real; Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, saving us every moment. He went off to be married. And in the Indian marriage custom the bridegroom rides a horse to the bride's house and picks her up there. There's where the whole ceremony happens.

And Guru Maharaj Ji - all these devotees wanted to go to his marriage, too. All the brothers who were in the ashram - "ashram mates", I guess - wanted to go there. I don't know. Probably another excuse. Nothing much. Guru Maharaj Ji was there. What's in a marriage being performed? Seeing another creature getting entrapped, perhaps.

They went off and Guru Maharaj Ji handed them a letter and said, "Listen. Give this letter to him, but wait until just before he hops on his horse to go to the bride's house" - because that's were the final ceremony happens. "Give this letter to him."

And just as he was ready to ride the horse, they came and handed him the letter. "There is a letter from Guru Maharaj Ji".

And he was pleased. "Oh, how fantastic. Guru Maharaj Ji remembered me." And probably in his concepts he was thinking that Guru Maharaj Ji has probably said, "Congratulations. Have a nice marriage," or something like that - what he really wanted to hear, I guess.

But he opened up the letter and it didn't say that at all. What it said is you came into this world to surrender to me, to completely focus yourself on me, to completely let go to me. And now you are wearing this whole costume of a bridegroom, and are going to get entrapped into this world. You came to get away from this world and now you're going right back into this world. You came from that place of misery to an incredible satisfaction and now you're going back to misery.

And I guess it really did him in. It was "the right place at the right time," plus a lot of Grace from Guru Maharaj Ji. He really realized. He took his horse and headed right to the ashram. And he went there and then he really realized, he really could see.


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