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Re: I wonder what Kabir would say, Jim. -- Joy Wisdom | Top of thread | Forum |
Joy will find a way of justifying whatever is said because she is a loyal DEVOTEE, honest only to the bliss, without thinking. A feeling "machine". For all she knows that energy she feels may not be THAT good but she cannot know any better, the spell she is in is stronger than truth. Maharaji is needed forever!!! Yeah!! Fanatic devotion doesn't even ring a bell in her head, it's just called endless gratitude these days. Joy is not really free. Joy has been disconnected from REALITY long ago and she must maintain her position of being right, otherwise she may fall into thousand pieces, like Maharaji warned his devotees would happen if their left his cult. Having been in that side of the fence we know devotted premies -full of gratitude- cannot reason properly because their judgement doesn't function well. They live in Maharaji's world, in their own way, living like it is the only way to live, needing a master forever, and happy for it. So, this kind of premies/devotees cannot give a fair account of facts: They learned to be contortionists of the truth themselves. We have sincere intention to have a dialogue with visitors premies who cannot do it. Maharaji is always right in their eyes. Joy can say that Maharaji changed alot. We know that only the presentation changed and Rawat remains the leader/friend/giver of the gift/I gottcha you forever/you surrendered to me/ scam contortionist liar. Premies think that it is all fine, as soon as they can have their "Maharaji". What we usually hear from premies is that people who left the cult didn't understand K or M. as Joy said. Having witnessed his world and having been very into it we understand why we are out now, but the piece Joy may miss to be able to understand our points is that we did hear our doubts and so far is clear she is not willing to do it. She will always come out a devotee needing a master. No real communication is possible then. Premies like Joy are not allowed to have doubts about needing a master: The guru says you ALWAYS need one, a real one, HIM!!!! The rest of humanity lives in hell and they are the ONLY ONES in the world who experience happiness. Without his "help" you cannot get blissed out (feeling free) and if that is the fix you learn to need, how can premies think otherwise? Dependency in action and liking it for them. Studies explain well the interactions within the cult and why people stay, premies don't see the harm. A true premie believes Maharaji changed over the decades, but since he even told premies that it would occur his contortions, his changing of stories and lies portrated in Elan Vital's website are overlooked. Needing him forever is absolutely necesary. "Guru Maharaj Ji has not only promised us, but given us more than he has promised. Always. Always. And as that battle begins, things get even more intense. And if that faith is not there, if that faith is not completely in Guru Maharaj Ji, you're going to fall in so many fragments that you wouldn't be able to count them yourself". (Maharaji in Philadelphia, PA.- August 1978) A battle? What kind of battle is he talking about? Destroying the mind? To me he is a dark evil force: "Not all who shines is gold".
Joy, as Jim said, do not give us satsang: This is a discussion board and as seen you are not able to do it. Sad to see. YOU LACK HONESTY AND INTEGRITY Modified by SilviaB at Mon, Feb 07, 2005, 10:29:27 |
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