If you have zero doubt, Jonx
Re: It's raging in my heart, sir. It's the underlying reality. -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Dermot M ®

02/08/2005, 05:42:15
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then I guess, in your eyes, Rawat can say and do what he likes.

It doessn't matter if he pimped himself as the Lord of the Universe and now swears blind that he didn't. It doesn't matter if he spends hundreds of thousands of dollars( that we all gave him) hounding an ex premie. What's a fellow human compared to Rawat, in your eyes? It doesn't matter if he now tells the world he's always lived on " independent means" when that's an out and out lie.It doesn't matter if he conducts childish authoritarian " training" sessions to insult, degrade and intimidate people.

Really, nothing matters does it? He's not accountable to anyone or anything. Providing he tells you black is white or white is black, then that's good enough. He's the " authorized rep".He's the leader and you're the follower.Doubts are evil. Case closed.

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